Saturday, February 23, 2008

-> <-

i'm dead..
i'm confused..
i'm like a screw..
you go round and round till u hit the end..
and try to make it tighter..
and still u're at the same spot..

i lack freedom..
i lack style..
i lack brains and brawns(if its spelt correctly..)

why does my life have to be this way..?
i live a lonely life..
staying alot at home means lesser time with friends..
no time for GF for which i dun have cause i dun have time to court one..
i'm frustrated everytime my plan to go out with someone, fails..
i hope those people understand my situation..

i need my space..
i need time for myself..
i'm 20 this year..
i'm getting older each year..
sampai bile la malik ni mcm..

anyways, brush that aside, i think i'm liking someone..
its only 2 times she called me..
but i still miss the voice..
i hope she calls again later..or tmr..
i'll continue hoping..

4:28:00 pm

About Me
Abdul Malik Bin Ahmad
18 on 25th November
25th Nov
Ngee Ann Poly

..My Friendster Profile..


Copyright© 2005


another work of my brain..if u can understand, u'd...
the heart opens...
i just felt disappointed..when the moment i though...
the end..
some things..
was it me all along..?
been long..
what a sad day

November 2006
December 2006
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February 2008