Sunday, January 28, 2007

-> new <-

hey all..
looks like i'm never gonna accomplish what i wanted..
but i'm sure she likes and enjoys my company..
dono if she loves it though..
i'm sure i love every minute with her..
although last time we met i wasnt talking much..
had too much to think of..
too much shit to take care of..
too much matters to attend to..

and now i'm SICK!
down with flu and loadsa headache..
and i tend to blow orange mucus..
strange aint it..?
its suppose to be yellowish transparent mucus..
i hope i wont be sick that much..
parents already sick, i oso wanna be sick..
apa daa..

ok so ytd eventhough sick, spent time with BK...
watched Singapore vs Malaysia..
causeway rivals..!
singapore won..
was expecting malaysia to win though...
great fight there was..
lost a bet with cik sani my westridge coach..
hafta belanja him coke..ape saje tahh..
nemind..secara ikhlas akanku belanjamu..

after match, was suppose to go lau pa sat eat..
but then the jam held us until 12.40 seh...
so we waited and waited..
and oh ya did i talk about this new friend of mine fyra or firah..?
she's quite the kecoh type ar..
ketawa non stop beb..
tak betul punya orang..
talk and talk and talk with her at lau pa sat...
that was like at about 1+ or 2 seh...
i ate nasi goreng pattaya with alfa...
others eat carrot cake laa..
drank teh but was too dumb not to stir b4 i drink...
but nemind..finished my drink afterall..
after eating and all, went to send iassky's mataye back to yishun..
was a long trip but its nice to travel with the wind and rizal..
reach yishun already, i was freaking cold laa...
rain know..
after like 30 mins or so, went off to head home with iassky..
bout 7 motors travel together..
kool huh..
adam's always at the back..still havent reach 1500km..
reach home at bout urm, 4+..

reach home, bathe, sleep..
still sick till now seh..
woke up at 3.30 just now..
a lil dizzy and blocked nose..
gonna go lie down now..


-starting a new..
-failure is your mother to success..
-friggin learn from mistakes..

6:55:00 pm

About Me
Abdul Malik Bin Ahmad
18 on 25th November
25th Nov
Ngee Ann Poly

..My Friendster Profile..


Copyright© 2005


one after another
food glorious food..
stupid human..
miss me?
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing,Watc...
what a world

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