Friday, February 09, 2007

-> old man.. <-

been walking like old man for 2 days already..
i dunno what happen to my right knee...
left ankle already good..
right knee problem..
and now blisters..??
oh my..when am i gonna be well?
lets wonder...

ok so what have i been up to lately...
been studying..
been going around @ the market to grab food for home..
basically i spend A LOT of time at home..
hadta get some space for myself just nw..
so went to study alone at the J.E library...
studied there for 2-3 hrs..
then went back home..
went out again to get more food for family..
and finally, settled down on my bed with some notes and used papers..
finally got worries off my back...
maths is gonna be an obstacle..
but i'm gonna try my best i will..

regards and best wishes to elias who fell from his bike..
get well soon bro..

when am i gonna be riding bike..??
not so soon i guess..
a whole lot of responsibility piled on me..
so i hafta be responsible right...
after 15th feb, i'm gonna work only on friday saturday sunday and maybe monday..
other days, i wanna be at home..
as u may know, march is coming up...
but i bet nobody knows what march has in store for me..
it could be a devastating moment for me..
could be the same few days i've been going thru...
who the heck wants a miserable life..?
i'm just hoping that GOD is by my family's side...
and that every test that we're going thru together brings us closer in touch with heaven..
no month is more important than march..
on that month, i'm not gonna work..
spend the whole month at home..
anything can happen...
at any point of time given, the switch can just turn off...
oh Allah please help me repent and forgive my sins...
i wanna rejoin my family when the time comes...
i love them with all my heart...
sometimes i'm just too stressed up with myself that i dunno what to do with myself..

anyways, exams tomorrow...
held at SIM HQ.. 9am..
gotta be at sch by 8..JH wants me to teach him..
since when can i teach? hahaha..
lets try aight tmr..
neways, cheers...

ciao for now...

12:09:00 am

About Me
Abdul Malik Bin Ahmad
18 on 25th November
25th Nov
Ngee Ann Poly

..My Friendster Profile..


Copyright© 2005


track 7 of 21 classics..
Kau belai jiwa yang pernah terlukaDan palingkan re...
torn apart..
one after another
food glorious food..

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